Monday, March 29, 2010

Repeatable ISSH crash

Been playing with iSSH lately, putting it to the "stress test" so to speak, in part because I am adding a bunch new hosts to the list. With the hierarchical connection list, this just got a lot easier to manage. So far, I must say, iSSH has been working very well!

I did run into one little item that seems to consistently cause a crash, at least for me. Open a connection to hosta and leave it open. Now add a hostb to the connections list (do not add the DSA key just yet) and open the connection entering the password. Now say, to yourself, "Duh! you know, I should have set up keys to this host." (it is important to say this:-)) Leave the connection to hostb up. Go back to the connections list, move to hostb and do the DSA key transfer (which works quite well now). The key transfer is successful.

Now go back to the list of open connections (which should have hosta and hostb still there). Usually iSSH goes kerplop at this point. Also, sometimes the labels on the open connections are scrambled upon returning. It seems to only be associated with open connections and key transfer. Otherwise the open connection list behaves just fine. I have had several connections open at the same time and the only one to get confused was me. :-)

The crash does not occur if you set up the connection, transfer the DSA key, and then login. It seems to be associated with already open connections.

Michael Martin

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