Tuesday, August 10, 2010

RE: Speakercraft - ASCII

Q1 is wrt the non command fusion protocol option. Your reply states that the
EOM is used to determine the string split. My question is do you have a
preferred string beginning marker eg STX ?.
Q2 in some real time environments, each data variable has a configurable
life cycle timer. Once the life cycle is expired, the value is transmitted
and the life cycle timer reset. The option of life cycle or
ChangeOfState/ChangeOfValue transmission can then be selected. The Life
Cycle ensures the data kept by the CF joins is always valid even if the join
is not on the current page. If there is no benefit to this then I will leave
it out.
The reason it is used in other applications is to allow background
processing of trend logs etc.



-----Original Message-----
From: commandfusion@googlegroups.com [mailto:commandfusion@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Jarrod Bell
Sent: 06 August 2010 08:28 AM
To: CommandFusion
Subject: Re: Speakercraft - ASCII

1. Only an EOM is used before its split and sent to the feedback
parsing engine. You can use $ in the regex to specific must match at
the start of a string though.
2. Not sure what you mean by a life cycle. Generally you only need to
send join states when iViewer connects, and when anything changes.
3. The developers manual covers it all, its really that basic.

You don't define anything in the System Manager if using our built in
protocol however, so not sure how Question1 is relevant if you are
going down the path of using our built in protocol?

Can't wait to see what you come up with, so any more specific
questions, just ask away.


On Aug 6, 4:11 pm, IvanP <ivancrg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jarrod
> My beta version of the Speakercraft - Commanfusion interface is in
> test phase. The unit converts the hex and resends the strings as
> ASCII. (Each Speakercraft MZC has a state machine created that
> interrogates the connected devices and builds a real time
> representation)
> Question1 - I have terminated each string with CR LF - this is then
> entered into System Manager as the EOM. Is there a Start of String
> marker I can use to define the text string more clearly for processing
> by CF.
> Question2 - The device has the option of multiple protocols - I am
> designing a CommandFusion protocol to allow direct interface for CF
> without the need for Regex strings to extract the ASCII data. The info
> is available as Joins. When the join value changes state, it will send
> the updated join data. Do you recommend I keep a data life cycle
> counter for each join and transmit the join after the life span has
> expired ?
> Question3 - Can you point me to resources regarding implementation of
> your protocol other than the existing developers manual.
> Thanks

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