Thursday, July 29, 2010

Re: Tunneling with out a shell or VNC on the other end

So far I've not seen any other discussions touch on this... Dean,
would you be willing to consider this as a feature idea?

Note that the system in the middle that cannot take a shell is one
that only bridges the company firewall and verifies my RSA SecureID
token. So if I just did ssh to that server, I would enter the secure
ID token when ssh demands a password, and then I get entered into a
simple text interface (not a shell) to ssh to a second server inside
the firewall where the real connection to get work done begins. Using
ssh the way I do as described above allows me to enter the token code
establish several tunnels to various servers inside the firewall,
without having to seek a shell on the system in the middle, or having
to have a terminal session on any of the servers inside the firewall.

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