the ability to cycle through actions with subsequent clicks on one
button is exactly what I currently search for.
My target is to have a 'set' button:
First click on that button will display a user interface (subpages)
for TC remote control
Second click on same button will display a user interface for DVD
remote control
Third click again on the same button will display a user interface for
Music remote control
Fourth click... you get the picture.
My original approch was to create multiple buttons each with an
individual digital join number at exactly the same position which
macros so that the press of a button would make itself vanish and
display the next in line - complicated.
This new feature set seems to match my requirement exactly.
Now I have two questions:
Will this new feature cover my use case?
When will the next release arrive and what version number will it
Well, the obvious answer to my second question is: "When its done" ...
Kind regards,
On Jul 15, 1:41 pm, Jarrod Bell <> wrote:
> This is possible in the next release.
> Here is something I posted in another thread on the google group
> (multimode buttons thread):
> The next release will allow you to do much more powerful button
> actions:
> 1. Send command and/or macro on press, with configurable repeat timing
> whilst button is held.
> 2. Send command and/or macro on release
> 3. Send command and/or macro on press and hold, after configurable
> delay, as well as with repeating after original hold delay time.
> 4. Any combination of the above (multiple 'press' actions for
> example).
> 5. Be able to create groups of actions, when are cycled through on
> each press. So if you had 3 action groups, press 1 would fire action
> group 1, press 2 fire action group 2, press 3 action group 3, then
> press 4 wouldcycleback to action group 1, and continue.
> So you would create two on press actions, one to send the macro, other
> to send the command.
> Jarrod
> On Jul 15, 9:35 pm, James S Davis <>
> wrote:
> > I know if I need to send multiple commands that I can use a macro.
> > There are many occasion where I have a long list of commands to send
> > and then depending on which button is being pressed there is one
> > command different.
> > In one situation I can see myself having to create 64 different macros
> > where really I need 8 macros and 8 commands.
> > Would it be feasible to allow say command 1 and command 2 where.
> > Command 1 would be sent followed by command 2 these could be either
> > macro or a standard command as it is now.
> > I also have found myself using macros to set sub-page digital joins
> > low so to have a macro that will set all my d joins low followed by
> > setting the one I need high would be handy.
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