Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Re: [appigo-todo] Individual notification setup per task

Both features (a calendar view and per-task notification options) are things you would want in a calendar app.  (The two examples you give are appointments; i.e., items that you'd enter into a calendar.)  Todo is not a calendar app, it's a Next Actions app.  As David Allen says, calendars are for managing the "hard landscape", things which are fixed in time.

Sure, there's overlap in functionality.  And it would be nice if Apple would allow other apps to integrate with the built-in Calendar.  (It would be really useful during the Sunday night review of the upcoming week to, for example, with a couple of clicks turn the "Mom's birthday" calendar item into a "call Mom" Todo task.)

But if you're serious about getting things done, the two functions should be kept separate.  Also, from a historical--and less dogmatic--perspective, computer applications that try to be both a calendar and a task manager generally wind up doing neither very well.

(imho *) Wayne();

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:13 PM, omikronalfa <omikronalfa@gmail.com> wrote:
thank you for a very good app Todo. Its so far the best among the task
apps in AppStore. Among its most useful features is the tight
integration with Contacts and an option to do all the usual things
right from the task, even to send an SMS! This is brilliant!

It has two major drawbacks, though. At least for me.
First, as it has already been pointed out, is the lack of a week/month
overview calendar where I can check what is ahead before I set a new
task. Second, an option to set up a notification in every individual
task rather than having one fixed setup for all items.
Let me explain: different tasks require different notification time.
For a meeting on the other end of the city I need to be notified at
least 2 hours beforehand. For a simple call, on the other hand, its
enough right on the pre-set time of the call. Getting a notification
about a call 2 hours before I really need it doesnt serve me well
because in 2 hours I may forget it.

So please, Appigo, include these two very convenient features in the
next update.

Thank you very much for your great work,

Learn more about Todo (task management made simple), Notebook (notes available everywhere), and AccuFuel (fuel efficiency tracker) on Appigo's website: http://www.appigo.com/
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