Monday, December 28, 2009

Re: Video for RS232 or any relevant documentation

When controlling serial devices, you need to create a new system in
your project which has connection details relevant to the GC-100
serial port you are using.
Each serial port has a different TCP port. Then the command you send
is exactly as the Denon device requires (no need to add any extra info
to the command as the GC-100 serial ports are just pass through

For parsing feedback, please see the examples in our wiki -
You should be able to parse the feedback easily from Denon devices (if
I recall, been a while since I worked with one).

You cannot send two different commands from a button. We will be
eventually adding the ability to send different commands on press and
release, but not different commands toggled by each press (at least
not immediately anyway).
You might also want to check if the projector you are using is able to
control the screen automatically (if thats what you meant by 'screen'
- most projectors these days have outputs for screen control).


On Dec 29, 6:56 am, Nahshon Williams <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a working IR and Relay set up thanks to the video on your blog.
> (the relay was easy)
> We would like to use the serial port for communication with the denon in
> this
> Need to get 2 way feedback so that one can see current volume and so on.
> Is this possible? Are there any example gui files out there? (fully
> populated remote that uses all hardware features of gc100)
> Also
> As I am using the relay for a sompfy screen I need to create a screen up
> and screen down button.
> Is there a way I can do this with just on button which closes the switch
> on toggle and closes another switch on release?
> In other words can I have independent commands on toggle and release?
> Using the following
> GC100-12
> Conrolfx and Iviewer 2.2
> Ipod Touch
> P.S. any pointers would be very much appreciated . . .


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