Monday, December 28, 2009

Re: Backspace in SCO mode


I'm sorry the only workaround at this point is a ^H macro. The
"Backspace is ^H" should be doing it's job as expected. I'll check
into it though testing a SCO terminal is difficult for me as I don't
have one readily available.

I've got a fix in the works for the sleep issue in iSSH and it'll be
resolved in the next release, which I will be releasing to Apple
within the next couple of weeks.


On Dec 26, 6:19 pm, Lars <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just purchased iSSH and I quite like it so far!
> I have a couple of issues, though, that I hopefully can get some help
> with:
> 1) I cannot get backspace to work in a SCO ANSI application (I am
> using "SCO mode").  I have tried "stty erase ^H" and I have tried with
> and without the "Backspace is ^H" setting.  I have confirmed by "stty -
> a" that backspace is set to ^H.  Also, I have the TERM variable set to
> ansi.  The strange thing is that if I add a macro to send ^H, it
> works.  It is just the backspace on the keyboard that does not work no
> matter what I try.  Note that the issue is only in the SCO ANSI
> application - when in the Linux shell, the backspace key works fine.
> The SCO ANSI app works fine with the desktop version of putty or any
> of a number of other emulators.  Please advise - using the pie chart
> everytime I need to delete a character is very cumbersome.
> 2) After the phone has gone to sleep and I wake it up again and try to
> open any of the stored connections, I get "Fatal Error: No route to
> host."  I have to either wait a while, or exit iSSH and open another
> app which accesses the Internet and then go back to iSSH and open the
> connection.
> Thanks,
> Lars


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